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Lychee (Litchi): With A Cluster Of Benefits

To get at the fruit, you peel off a leather-like skin. The fruit surrounds a rather large seed in the middle. From a nutritional standpoint, lychee fruit is low in calories, high in fiber, high in vitamin B complex and vitamin C and loaded with minerals such as potassium, calcium and phosphorus to increase the energy level.

In terms of direct health benefits, lychee is used for coughs, upset stomach diarrhea, diabetes and gland problems not only this but also to beautify skin.

If the raw, fresh lychee doesn't tempt your taste buds, this versatile fruit also goes well in juices, added to salads, processed into ice creams, candies and desserts and even as a featured ingredient in several alcoholic drinks like the martini and thereby enhances the energy levels in the body and provides a feeling of well-being.

People who are suffering from acne and spots, then Lychees can be an alternative to beautify your skin. Lychee helps to nourish skin of oils which can help reduce the growth of acne. This fruit refines the skin when enjoyed at no limit. Hence refines skin.

Lychee, with an excellent source of vitamin C, and contains approximately 40 percent more vitamin C than orange. Lychee fruit prevents the growth of cancer cells, Research has also shown that lychee may provide impressive anti-breast cancer properties.

Its roots found  effective against  tumor in tests on animals. Being a cluster of vitamin and minerals, is a source of B-complex vitamins such as thiamin, niacin and folates. These vitamins are essential since they function by acting as co-factors to help body metabolize carbohydrates, protein and fats.

It carries good amount of minerals like potassium and copper. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids help control heart rate and blood pressure; thus offers protection against stroke and coronary heart diseases. Copper is required in the production of red blood cells.

The cluster of minerals helps boost hydration and combats fine lines and wrinkles free with glow. In addition, it helps improve blood flow in organs, reduce weight, and protect skin from harmful UV rays. It Strengthens the Immune System with its high levels of Beta Carotene in it.

The seeds of lychee fruit are purported to have pain-relieving properties. It also has beneficial omega 3 and 6 fatty acids that plays an important role in brain function and may help you fight against cardiovascular disease, asthma and efficient for brain development. So, it is been concluded that lychee with cluster of benefits, although actual health benefits seem to be more anecdotal than clinical.

Hope you like this post. Keep reading, we will come up with more posts regarding health benefits of different fruits and vegetables.
Do share your views. Thank you for reading.

- By Sonia Gahlot 
(M.Tech, Food Processing Tech.)

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